Partridge & Pheasant
A partridge is a medium-sized, gamebird with a distinctive orange face and chestnut tail. Flies with whirring wings and is famous for its fast agile flying. It is traditionally presented over hedges in order to hide the guns from the advancing birds, the birds then “star burst” over the hedge as they catch sight of the gun line presenting the guns with fast exhilarating shooting. It usually flies in groups of 6-15 known as coveys are most usually seen outside the breeding season.
The pheasant is often seen as the cornerstone of British shooting even though the bird was actually introduced by the Romans. The pheasant has come to be regarded as an indigenous bird species in both the UK and Eastern Europe. There are many who believe that a high curling pheasant is one of the most difficult birds to shoot giving the true sportsman the ultimate challenge.
Single Gun Availability
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For all enquiries please contact our Sporting Department on 01494 883227 or email sporting@ejchurchill.com.